Saturday, November 14, 2009
God bless to manny pacquiao!
I am really nervous with the upcoming bout between Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto tomorrow (+8 GMT). I don't know why I feel this way maybe because the way Manny knocked-out Hatton few months ago is a tough act to follow and so many people now are waiting if he can defeat the reigning world welterweight champ. Don't want to write...no more...nah! I just want to say God bless you, Manny Pacquiao!

just a thought,
Saturday, November 07, 2009
edward cullen wooden desk calendar

happy 40th birthday to sesame street!
just a thought,
Friday, October 23, 2009
the time traveler's wife by audrey niffenegger
I just finished the book by Audrey Niffenegger few minutes ago. I admit I first became aware of the book when the movie based from it came out...I red praises for the book. Sad to say, I wasn't able to catch the film adaptation at the cinema so I have to wait for the vcd/dvd release sometime soon. I like the book but I'm not yet decided if I will buy a copy for myself. I like the so many twists in Henry DeTamble and Clare Abshire's lives...their friendship that blossomed into something deeper...and how the author tells their story. The movie stars Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams and I want to watch it to know if it did justice to the best-selling novel. Here are the image of the author and the movie poster.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
happy birthday to me gifts...thanks to all!
I have to post this eventough it's very late because I'm afraid if would not I might not be able to post another one of this kind next year, haha! Thanks to all the lovely people who greeted me on my birthday last month. I know I'm one month late to acknowledge you guys...but it's better late than never, hehe! To all the greetings I received through emails, calls, chats, voice chats, texts and prayers...THANK YOU VERY MUCH! To all the lovely gifts...thank you so much, I love them all! Sana maulit next year!
stephen gately died
Friday, October 16, 2009
new moon movie companion book
Yah, I know...I know! All of the Twilight fans are now so excited with the upcoming movie of the saga which will be shown next month. And even my sister Ruthie is not an exemption...I'm a fan too and will definitely grab a movie ticket as soon as possible...but she's a bigger fan. And because she's practically drooling over the The Twilight Saga New Moon The Official Illustrated Movie Companion book by Mark Cotta Vaz (whew! such a long title for a 141-paged book) that I was showing to her through webcam...I dedicate this post to her. I haven't had the time to read the book yet but I will, soon. I love the images inside and from what I saw the book is about how New Moon movie was made...it's like a behind the scene book which I will love for sure because I'm the-behind-the-scene-of-the-movie-and-book-or-whatever-kind of girl, if you know what I mean, haha! So, for my loving sister here are some images and as I've promised more Edward and Bella because I know you are a member of Team Edward! Good thing I go for Team Jacob, so there's really no conflict. This post goes also to Jenefer 'Tot'...a vampire in the making. Enjoy girls!

Monday, October 12, 2009
happy birthday mamu!
It's a very special day for our family today because we are celebrating the 61st birthday of my Mom! I really get emotional when I think of my Mom...I always remember all the hardships she went through (together with my Dad) just to give me and my three siblings decent lives. She taught us so many things about life...what I am today I partly owe to her. Thanks Mamu Carmen for everything! May our Father continue to bless you with good health and happiness and may He add more days to your life so that we can still continue to show you how much we love you everyday of our lives. I LOVE YOU MAMU...WE LOVE YOU!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
donations for ondoy's victims
Donations for the victims of Typhoon Ondoy are greatly appreciated. Countries like China, Japan, Singapore and US and as well as UN agencies raised funds for the relief work. In Hong Kong alone, two NGO's are committing to help more typhoon victims. World Vision ( initially committed HK$ 390,000) and The Salvation Army posted ads in newspapers asking for help to help the victims. Donation methods are through banks (ATM transfer or direct bank-in), credit cards, crossed cheques and even by 7-11. On behalf of my countrymen, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
muelmar magallanes, a hero
I've heard cases before of selfless people in the midst of calamities and one of them is one of the heroes of the recent Typhoon Ondoy that hit the Philippines. He's Muelmar Magallanes, 18 years old, from Bagong Silangan, Manila, Philippines. He's been in two of HK's english newspapers yesterday, The Standard and South China Morning Post's front page. Needless to say, I cried upon reading the articles. After making sure that his parents and siblings are safe he continued to rescue more than 30 people until he gave his life for a baby girl. He was too exhausted that the strong current of the water washed him away. His body was found on Sunday.
from The Standard, (photo caption reads: Maria Luz Magallanes grieves beside the coffin of her son Muelmar. She wept as she described him as incredibly brave: "He saved so many people, but ended up not being able to save himself.")
from South China Morning Post, (photo caption reads: A man takes a break from cleaning a house yesterday in Marikina City, east of Manila, that was swamped by flash floods brought on by Tropical Storm Ketsana on Saturday.)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
waterworld due to typhoon ondoy
Hong Kong's South China Morning Post yesterday's cover picture was about the recent typhoon that hit Manila, Philippines for nine hours last September 26. Inside stories and pictures about the calamity covered a whole page of the broadsheet. All heart-wrenching indeed!
PHOTO CAPTION READS: STORM TORMENT. Residents await rescue during flooding caused by Tropical Storm Ketsana east of Manila yesterday. At least 73 people died, 23 were missing and 330,000 made homeless. Flights were suspended as the storm battered the main Philippine island of Luzon.
typhoon ondoy submerged manila, philippines
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
the beatles: rock band
juan martin del potro's grandslam
patrick swayze died
Sunday, September 13, 2009
adik sa 'yo and stairway to heaven by gma 7

Friday, September 11, 2009
a long week last week
It's been a long week for me last week as well as this week. No interest to make any post here all those days. I spent the free time I had surfing the net and watching news about Ka Erdy...better start posting again.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
ka erdy died
current events,
Monday, August 31, 2009
memories of grade 1
Today is the first day of my youngest ward in primary school. So many things to prepare and so much excitement for the parents. And as for me, so many memories to reminisce. I studied at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School in Caloocan City where that time it's situated where the Grand Central mall is currently located. I stayed there for just a year because that school will be relocated somewhere in the city. Although so many years had passed I still remember few names, events and memories that are associated with that school. Names like Mylene, Barbie, Roy, Rogie and Marie. Memories associated with Superman, tadpoles, kidnaps and academic citations to name a few. Opening of classes or anything related to schools makes me sentimental...so many memories are coming back to me now. Hayz!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
twilight madness, harry potter madness
harry potter,
jk rowling,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
harry potter 6 sticker book (from boss with love)
Thanks to my boss for the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Sticker Book that she gave me the other night. So sweet and thoughtful of her to buy it especially for me, don't you think so? She knows that I love Harry Potter stuffs and I will definitely appreciate it. Sad to say, I need to collect all the 360 stickers for this book alone which will amount to 1080 HKD (roughly more than 6000 Php...whoa!). Well, I'm calling now to those people who love me dearly...you know what to give me, jeje!...just kidding. To my boss, thanks so much!

daniel radcliffe,
harry potter,
hong kong,
jk rowling,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
happy birthday ruthie!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
taylor lautner as jacob black as sharkboy
Sharkboy turned into a werewolf? Hmmm. Last Saturday I was able to watch Taylor Lautner's 2005 movie entitled The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl directed by Robert Rodriguez of Spy Kids movies. Taylor as Sharkboy, Taylor Dooley as Lavagirl and Cayden Boyd as Max. In that movie Taylor danced, sang and did some stunts...a real treasure for all Taylor's fans. So, go and grab a copy when you get the chance.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
lord of the rings books
I want to thank Jenefer 'Tot' Ocmer for the blessings she gave me recently...I really appreciate them Tot! As you know me, I really love books and I love to collect them. Better start reading them soon. Thank you again...mwah!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
new moon 2010 desk calendar
Just tell me please, where can I purchase this New Moon desk calendar? I've been looking for this in webshops as well as the bookshops here in Hong Kong because I promised my sister Ruthie that I will give her one. Am I too early to buy this one or what? I hope someone can help me with this problem.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009
cory aquino on hk's broadsheet
Today is the funeral of former Philippine president Corazon Cojuangco Aquino and it's a special non-working holiday in the Philippines. Here in Hong Kong, yesterday's front page of the leading English broadsheet, South China Morning Post, featured an image of the coffin of Mrs. Aquino amongst very big crowd. Inside news were about President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo being warned by her allies against angering Aquino mourners and Imelda Marcos seeking reconcilation with Cory's family.
Photo caption reads: Power of the People. A sea of mourners crowds around the coffin of former Philippine president Corazon Aquino as it passes the statue of her murdered husband in Manila's financial district. Her body was taken to Manila Cathedral, where it will lie in state until tomorrow's funeral.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
harry potter and the half-blood prince day
I know! I know this post is long, long time overdue since I watched the movie last July 19 and it's over two weeks now. Anyway, few days before that special day I asked my friend to buy three movie tickets just to be sure that we can watch it that coming Sunday. I was going to watch the movie with Jenefer and Donna, a fellow D'Wizards...and all was planned. What we didn't plan is the coming typhoon from the Philippines that hit Hong Kong that Saturday night. It was signal number 8 that night and when I went out very early the next morning (around 6:30a.m.) bus services were suspended. Yay! I need to arrive before 8 a.m. in the church so I took the trains even it's the long route. The morning passed-by rain-free until the time for our scheduled screening and Donna hasn't arrived yet. Well, what to do? The rain was still heavy in their place which is almost practically in the other side of Hong Kong from the movie house. She was few minutes late. As expected, some parts of the book are missing and some are changed. Personally, I was waiting for Harry-Ginny moments and the last scene of Dumbledore. I must admit I cried twice...during the cave and Albus' death scene. All in all, I enjoyed the movie because the affects are great and enjoyed the day because I was with Jenefer and Donna. For more of the movie's reviews and spoilers please visit Ruthie's site.
harry potter,
hong kong,
jk rowling,
Saturday, August 01, 2009
corazon aquino passed away
The first female president of the Philippines just passed away very early morning of 3:18 today due to cardio-respiratory arrest according to the press release of her family. Mrs. Aquino, widow of Senator Benigno Aquino Jr, was diagnosed with colon cancer early last year and been confined at Makati Medical Center for more than a month. She was one of the prime figures of the Edsa Revolution of 1986 that ousted President Marcos and became president from 1986-1992. She was 76. The whole nation mourns with her death.
Friday, July 31, 2009
happy birthday to harry potter and dan radcliffe

I want also to greet the actor who's giving life to Harry...Belated Happy 20th Birthday to Daniel Radcliffe last July 23. May you have more birthdays and blessings to come!

daniel radcliffe,
harry potter,
jk rowling
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
the saga of darren shan
My long wait is finally over! Finally I have now the complete set of The Saga of Darren Shan. I red the first book few years ago and fell in love with the story considering that I don't read horror or vampire books (that time) and this saga is not even a romance-in-the-vampire-world. So, before Edward...it was Darren Shan who captured my heart (good thing it's not my blood). I looked for the first book of the saga which is the Cirque Du Freak because I red somewhere that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) likes the book. After reading the 12 books I know in my heart I must have my own set of the saga. As JK Rowling said about this saga, "Leaves the reader hungry for more".
Vampire Blood Trilogy (red)
Vampire Blood Trilogy (red)
- Cirque Du Freak
- The Vampire's Assistant
- Tunnels of Blood
Vampire Rites Trilogy (yellow)
- Vampire Mountain
- Trials of Death
- The Vampire Prince
Vampire War Trilogy (purple)
- Hunters of the Dusk
- Allies of the Night
- Killers of the Dawn
Vampire Destiny Trilogy (green)
- The Lake of Souls
- Lord of the Shadows
- Sons of Destiny
daniel radcliffe,
darren shan,
Thursday, July 09, 2009
paris jackson broke my heart
mj's brain
Michael Jackson may had a very emotional memorial last July 7th but the whereabouts of his remains is not yet known for the family opted to give a part of MJ's brain as part of the investigation into how he died. That and being pure geniuses with their own crafts are the similarities between MJ and Albert Einstein. According to the book I red few months ago, Spilling the Beans on... ALBERT EINSTEIN by: Frances Mayes, the scientists then cubed Einstein's brain into 240 pieces after Dr. Thomas Harvey, a pathologist, photographed and pickled it (preserved in formalin, hehehe!). After cubing Einstein's brain they numbered each one and put them into two jars and been kept for 22 years until scientists from California decided to study the cubes and the photographs. Well as for MJ's brain, the investigators are just going to wait for the organ to harden before they can conduct neuropathology tests to help determine what caused Jackson's apparent cardiac arrest and subsequent death. Sometimes there's a big catch if you are a pure genius.
Monday, July 06, 2009
rupert grint recovering from swine flu
Rupert Grint is recovering from a mild case of swine flu according to E! Online. Grint's doctor confirmed that he's no longer contagious. The actor who plays Harry's best friend is now working again on the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The 6th installment of the Harry Potter will be shown on July 15. To Rupert, get well soon!
federer is world's no. 1!

Saturday, July 04, 2009
harry and ginny movie poster!

I'm going to faint! Really! Definitely! I'm waiting for this movie for so many years now...maybe for 8 years. No exaggerations! Since I first held the first Harry Potter book that I red (which is the HP3, hehehe!) I've been waiting for the day of the realisation of my dreams...my dreams for Harry and Ginny! And now, they are starting to come true...well, in HP world at least. Better calm myself now, LOL! Here's the movie poster my favourite couple. Weeeee!!!!!
harry potter,
jk rowling,
Friday, July 03, 2009
manny pacquiao's nike commercial

Thursday, July 02, 2009
harry potter 6 movie posters
Yehey! My long wait is over! Partly. I went yesterday to Broadway Palace Cinema, with Jenefer and Beth, to inquire if we can purchase now in advance the tickets for Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince movie which will be shown on July 15. Unfortunately, the tickets are not yet available, huhuhu. It only proves that ganoon kami ka-atat, hahaha! So, for consolation we saw these life-size posters of the HP6 and took the liberty to take some pictures despite of many onlookers, hehehe! I DON'T CARE!!! It's Harry Potter we are talking here guys, LOL! So, I want to share some of our pictures which I promised my sister, Ruthie, that I will post right away!
harry potter,
hong kong,
jk rowling
Saturday, June 27, 2009
emma watson to quit?
Friday, June 26, 2009
michael jackson's sudden death
hong kong,
michael jackson,
Saturday, June 20, 2009
byers to my molar
Early last month when I finally had my annoying left lower molar removed. It's been bothering me for almost a month before I decided to have a go and visit a local dentist here in Hong Kong. I had my wisdom tooth beside that molar extracted when I went home for vacation last year and was told by my dentist in the Philippines that I must prepare myself because the molar beside my 'late' wisdom tooth will give me trouble soon. I'm not very keen in having my tooth removal here because of work hazzards and I was told that they do things differently here...that you can actually feel the first injection of anesthesia...waaaaaaaa!!!!! But the tooth ache won over my fear (and my regular intake of pain reliever that I despised so much) so I called the nearby local dentist, Dr. Yeung Chi Ho, for an appointment. After two x-rays, the able doctor did perform things just like my dentist in the Philippines and I haven't even felt any pain or discomfort during the operation but just the usual pressure especially because he was having hard time that moment due to my 'firm' molar. The operation lasted for nearly one hour and I paid HK$890 (around Php5,000) including the two x-rays. After two days I'm back to my usual self but less of an annoying once sturdy molar, hehehe!
size comparison of my molar and thumb's nail
Monday, June 15, 2009
la lakers 2009 nba champion
Congratulations to LA Lakers and to all the fans of the team. I love basketball but for the past years I wasn't able to watch the PBA because of the conflicts with my work's schedule. Lately, I was following the NBA finals because of some friends who are big fans of Lakers and Kobe Bryant. The 5th game ended with the winning team scoring 99 points over Orlando Magic's 86 points...with Kobe Bryant winning the NBA Finals MVP award...with Phil Jackson getting his 10th championship (the most in a NBA coach)...and (whew!) Lakers 15th championship (just 2 championships short of Celtics). To read more about the game's recap click the NBA official website here! To all my LA Lakers fans-friends...magpa-canton naman kayo! hehehe! At dalawa sa mga ito na wanted dahil antagal ng canton ko ay sina Madz at Gerald. I'm still waiting guys!

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